カテゴリー: photo
TOKYO stay / #02
It is the hotel which there is much green, and is comfo…
TOKYO stay / #01
On the business trip first day, I did shopping for the …
légumes de saison
The seasonal vegetables which grew in a neighborhood. ご…
Pastel de l’aube
I dissolved water of the magic in the body this morning…
Journée maritime
I display a shell in the room, and a little enjoys Mari…
Mon jardin botanique
I opened the seal of the pressed flower which stored a …
Cadeaux d’anniversaire
昨夜は 誕生日をお祝してもらいました 中指の指輪は 創造性を象徴するそう 意味のこもった 嬉しい贈り物 今日か…