カテゴリー: diary
BBQ / at Sewing Gallery
手作り野菜とビールのBBQ、学園の庭 大好きです 帰り際に 一人一人 ハグを贈って 感謝を伝える園長 とても …
Hiroyuki Nakayama / Exhibition
中山園長 傘寿80歳 記念個展 星ヶ丘洋裁学校 sewing gallery [line width=R…
les grains de café
I was given coffee beans by a gift from a client. 手土産に珈…
TOKYO stay / #03
The photography for jackets of the CDs. It was fun. 東京で…
TOKYO stay / #02
It is the hotel which there is much green, and is comfo…
TOKYO stay / #01
On the business trip first day, I did shopping for the …
légumes de saison
The seasonal vegetables which grew in a neighborhood. ご…